Lori Breslow
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Lori Breslow is a Senior Lecturer in Managerial Communication at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
She was the founding director of MIT Teaching and Learning Laboratory (TLL) from 1997 to 2015. TLL serves the Institute as part of the office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education.
Breslow's research focuses on the development and impact of pedagogical, curricular, and technological innovations in higher education. As TLL’s director, she was responsible for designing, leading or supervising over 80 studies on educational change. Along with educational researchers in TLL and Harvard, as well as collaborators in MIT’s department of physics, Breslow did some of the earliest research on massive open online courses (MOOCs). Her current studies include examining the use of the MITx platform in blended learning courses, and a multi-institutional, international study of the teaching and learning of communication as a 21st-century skill.
Breslow has collaborated both in the U.S. and internationally on a number of initiatives to improve college teaching and learning. Currently, a curriculum design approach she developed is the basis of an initiative in South Africa to improve STEM education in that country’s technical universities. She was the codirector of the Teaching and Learning Network, a collaboration between MIT and the University of Cambridge, and consulted on MIT’s partnerships to create new universities in Singapore and Abu Dhabi. Breslow has been invited to speak about her work at the New York Times’ School for Tomorrow symposium, the President’s Task Force on Science and Technology (PCAST), the New American Foundation, and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In 2013, she and her coauthors won the award for Best Paper at the American Society for Engineering Education conference. Her research has been cited in The Wall Street Journal, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and Inside Higher Education.
Breslow holds a BA from Indiana University and a PhD from New York University.
Featured Publication
"Chapter 3: Big Data, Small Data, and Data Shepherds."DeBoer, Jennifer, and Lori Breslow. In Learning Analytics in Higher Education, edited by Aditya Johri, Carrie Klein, Huzefa Rangwala, and Jaime Lester, Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge, 2018.
Featured Publication
"Analyzing productive learning behaviors for students using immediate corrective feedback in a blended learning environment."Chen, Xin, Lori Breslow, and Jennifer DeBoer. Computers & Education Vol. 117, (2018): 59-74.
Breslow, Lori. Work In Progress: The Personal Productivity Science Insights Podcast, July 2023.
Eugene Tham Yew Hua and Lori Breslow. edited by David Inglis, Graham Town, Nazmul Huda, and Nicholas Tse. Sydney, Australia: December 2017.
Stensaker, Bjørn, Grahame T. Bilbow, Lori Breslow, and Rob van der Vaart. In Strengthening Teaching and Learning in Research Universities, edited by Bjørn Stensaker, Grahame T. Bilbow, Lori Breslow, and Rob van der Vaart, 1-18. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari and Lori Breslow. In Strengthening Teaching and Learning in Research Universities, edited by Bjørn Stensaker, Grahame T. Bilbow, Lori Breslow, and Robert van der Vaart, 187-213. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.